Internal Family Systems (IFS)

Internal Family Systems is a non-pathologizing evidence-based form of therapy created by Dr. Richard Schwartz, that posits that every human being has exactly what they need inside to heal. Humans are made up of parts of self, or sub-personalities that are either wounded or protective. These parts often carry burdens and work overtime for us. Our minds are naturally multiple and parts are those manifestations of the multiple mind.

Another core truth to IFS is that all people are born with a Self that can not be altered or destroyed. Self is defined by 8 Cs-confidence, compassion, calm, courage, creative, clear, curious, and connectedness. Self is ever-present but can be ignored by parts who are often unaware of its existence.

IFS therapy helps parts become more Self-led so they can shed their burdens and live according to the love that is inside every one of us.